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About Dr. Song...
Dr. Song had the privilege of working along side Dr. Rosomando (Director at NIH in Washington D.C./ a nationally recognized publisher of dental research articles in all major dental journals) in his study of primary (baby) teeth Ankylosis (fusion of baby teeth to bone). During his senior year at the University of Connecticut, Dr. Song volunteered to travel to the Amazon River in Peru, where he provided essential oral care for thousands of natives. It was there that his colleagues witnessed his ability to work with children. For the remainder of his trip, Dr. Song was chosen to see all of the children that were in need of oral care.
After his undergraduate dental education, Dr. Song then attended Temple University Pediatric Dental Residency. Dr. Song was a resident at a Level 1 trauma center for the next two years leading to his certificate in Pediatric Dentistry. It was here in Philadelphia that Dr. Song’s knowledge in Pediatric Dentistry was fine tuned. His research during residency was a pilot study looking into the all important pulp medication Pediatric Dentists use everyday. He was sponsored by a new medication company, as well as from Temple Children’s Hospital for this initial trial. Dr. Song also researched dental x-rays and the effects of digital verses “normal film” x-rays on human tissue. While a resident at Temple University Children’s Medical Center in Philadelphia, Dr. Song was exposed to everything an inner city hospital can present. Those experiences are what made him into the confident Pediatric Dentist he is today. Dr. Song still maintains a strong relationship with Temple University Pediatric Dental Residency and has plans to become a part time attending there.
With experience and knowledge gained from so many different parts of our nation, Dr. Song has become a proficient and knowledgeable Pediatric Dentist who is ready to take on the war against oral disease.
Dr. Song is an active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He opened Kids First Dentistry in 2007 and looks forward to meeting new challenges, as well as fulfilling his goal of giving each child he treats their first and best dental experience.
Kids First Dentistry LLC
Pediatric Dentist
The place where Kids come First!

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